TXDataWebConnection error


I created a XDataServer with a base URL of http://localhost:2001/tms/genesis
In the browser I'm able to access a table, e.g. http://localhost:2001/tms/genesis/stkdept
I the created the Web Core client using TXDataWebConnection, TXDataWebDataSet, TWebDataSource and a TWebDBGrid components

During design time I'm able to add the table fields to TXDataWebDataSet and the TWebDBGrid 

As soos as I connect ( XDataWebConnection1.Connected := true;) 
the browser display the following error:

XDataConnectionError: Error connecting to XData server | fMessage::XDataConnectionError: Error connecting to XData server fHelpContext::0
at http://localhost:8000/STKMasterClient/STKMasterClient.js [37372:13]


Nols Smit

I found the solution, see the YouTube video from time point 19:38


This link is also a general advice for solving errors with TMS Web Core and TMS XData:
