Two bugs in WebCore for VSC: Removing unit from project / webradio group designer view


Using current versions of VSC and WebCore, I see 2 bugs:

  1. Removing a unit from a project (right click on .pas file in Explorer View, then choosing "Remove from project") does nothing. The .dpr file remains unchanged, and no error is shown.

  2. Put two TWebRadioGroup components on a form, then edit the items of the first one, then edit the items of the second - you see the items of the first one appearing in the second one.
    This bug shows up only in the designer view. When running the app, it is fine.

Meik Stoll

Checking your issues, will get back as soon as possible.

About issue #2 we found and fixed it, will be available on the next update.

The TWebRadioGroup issue has been fixed. The next update will address this.