TWebUpdate - Restore previous version


i need a hint, maybe someone has already analyzed the problem, and found a good solution...

We use massively TWebUdate + UpdateBuilder, no problems at all.

But suppose that

1) we have online the version 1.0 ,
2) we upload a new version 1.1 via UpdateBuilder,
3) everyone update his version to 1.1 thanks to TWebUpdate
4) we have introduced an unknown bug with the version 1.1, something so critical that the first thing to do is restore the previous version of the software.

Ipotetically, the best thing to do would be to upload with UpdateBuilder a new "number version" of the software, say it the version 1.2, that in reality is the old 1.0. Yes, i know that there is source version control for this, but this implies to take source code, go to previous commits, rebuild, etc..

What i'm thinking is a way to automate a backup of the current files generated by UpdateBuilder (.inf file, .Cab, etc.), store them in some "1.0" backup folder / zip, so if i need to restore the 1.0 version immediately, i can do that by modifying (maybe at hand) the version number in .inf file (writing 1.2) , and then upload these files via UpdateBuilder (or maybe directly via FTP).

Ok, there is a clever solution ?

Thanks, ciao !


There is at this moment no built-in support to automatically make a backup of the application before updating it so a restore is possible. This would have to be handled at application level, i.e. before calling WebUpdate.DoUpdate, make a backup and then offer the users a capability to revert to this backup.