How do we setup side menu and panel in a bootstrap application so that it shows correctly ?
We've seen a conflict with a Bootstrap class and applied a fix. This will be addressed in v2.7.0.2
the problem persist also in release
In the Web Core Web Application with Bootstrap, the side menu component uses the class 'card' for the main container and 'card-body' for the content.
The outer span with the 'card' class has a 'display:inline' style attribute, which conflicts with the 'display:flex' property set by the 'card' class. This results in the container shifting down by a few pixels.
The 'card-body' div has a 1rem padding on all sides, preventing the elements from reaching the edges. Additionally, on smaller viewports, the expanded menu cannot be closed because the hamburger icon is obstructed by the first menu items. Removing the Bootstrap classes resolves these issues, so there is still a visual problem.
We applied a further improvement that will be included in the next release.
Thanks Bruno