When I don't bind it (aka add a tag with id="viv_rate") to the HTML, the rate panel shows on the page at the top of the display, but as soon as I add any tag like"<div id="viv_rate"></div>" to the page, it gives the error.
The moment I bind the WebRatingPanel1 the tag "test", I get:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'style')
at Object.UpdateElement (WEBLib.Rating.pas:321)
at Object.EndUpdate (WEBLib.Controls.pas:2792)
at Object.EndUpdate (WEBLib.Controls.pas:5392)
at Object.AfterLoadDFMValues (classes.pas:5350)
at Object.LoadDFMValues (Unit1.pas:52)
at Object.DoCreate (WEBLib.Forms.pas:2443)
at Object.Create$5 (WEBLib.Forms.pas:2593)
at Object.c.$create (rtl.js:323)
at DoStatusCreate (WEBLib.Forms.pas:2795)
at XMLHttpRequest.cb (rtl.js:251)