TWebMessageDIg Delphi Compiler error

mr: TModalResult;
copied from help document
mr := await(TModalResult, WebMessageDlgl.ShowDialog('Do you like
TMS WEB Core?', WEBLib.Dialogs.mtConfirmation,[mbYes, mbNo]));
This gives Compiler error saying that a "("is missing

I tried instead
mr := await(TModalResult(WebMessageDlgl.ShowDialog('Do you like TMS WEB Core?',
mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo])));
But it also give compilererror saying
E2251 Ambiguous overload call to ShowDialog

What to do

Did you decorate the method from where you call this with the async attribute?

How to dot hat

Please see

or PDF developers guide p125

I'm sorry but I did not find the anwer ther
so how to make the sample code from p 266 to work
mr: TModalResult;
mr := await(TModalResult, WebMessageDlgl.ShowDialog('Do you like
TMS WEB Core?', WEBLib.Dialogs.mtConfirmation,[mbYes, mbNo]));

Please read the article, use the decorator async attribute

TForm1 = class(TWebForm)
--> [async] <---
procedure WebButton1Click(Sender: TObject);