TWebGoogleMap warnings


While making an app with WebCore, using TWebGoogleMaps I get this warning:

As of February 21st, 2024, google.maps.Marker is deprecated. Please use google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement instead. At this time, google.maps.Marker is not scheduled to be discontinued, but google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement is recommended over google.maps.Marker. While google.maps.Marker will continue to receive bug fixes for any major regressions, existing bugs in google.maps.Marker will not be addressed. At least 12 months notice will be given before support is discontinued. Please see for additional details and for the migration guide.

This is not an error, but just wanted to inform you, so you have time to fix it :slight_smile:

Also I get this warning, again not an error, it's a warning :

Google Maps JavaScript API has been loaded directly without loading=async. This can result in suboptimal performance. For best-practice loading patterns please see

We have added it on the todolist to revise this.

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