TWebDBEdit.CharCase not working

I set TWebDBEdit.CharCase to wecUpperCase, but when data is entered this is not converted to upper case.

Any ideas how to enforce this?


Retested with demo Demo\Basics\DataSet with setting any of the TWebDBEdit.ChartCase to wecUpperCase and it sets char entry to uppercase here.
If a problem persists with TMS WEB Core v1.8.4.0, please provide more details.

did you have to have it within a Form? Also, the autocomplete option says it needs to within a TwebHTMLForm, which is fine. If I am using templates, is it good enough to just have the tags around the fields, or must I use a the component?

Thanks. These are just little things, overall it is a pleasure to work with WebCore and XData.

When you use a template the tag is sufficient in the template, no need for a component.
For best cross browser support, it is best to include this in a FORM.

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