Hello Patrick,
Can you explain me, why the FDPhysMySQLDriverLink is only available in a connection module? In a TMS WebCore Project it is not, I suppose.
You can't use FireDac directly in a TMS Web Core application. The Web Core application must communicate via HTTP with the server, and then the server will communicate with the database.
Hi Wagner,
Maybe this video helps?
The video is great tutorial! In the last days, I had a strong learncurve. Thanks
Forget my last question. I found this tutorial, where it is descriped very clearly. Great one!
The link of the tutorial: https://flixengineering.com/archives/697
You can use
I tried it and I read the documentation, but I am not able to solve it, sorry!
For a better understanding the whole procedure with the service all and the OnResponse procedure...
The content of Response.Result:
Do I have to define the fields? I tried it manually without a EntitySetValue. Afterwards I got a new error-message:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'FAttributes' of null | TypeError: Cannot read property 'FAttributes' of null at Object.LoadData (http://localhost:8000/Web_App/Web_App.js:45609:113) at Object.ActiveChange (http://localhost:8000/Web_App/Web_App.js:45766:14) at Object.cb [as FOnActiveChange] (http://localhost:8000/Web_App/Web_App.js:222:26) at Object.ActiveChanged (http://localhost:8000/Web_App/Web_App.js:43368:46) at Object.CheckActiveAndEditing (http://localhost:8000/Web_App/Web_App.js:33702:14) at Object.DataEvent (http://localhost:8000/Web_App/Web_App.js:33766:14) at Object.DistributeEvent (http://localhost:8000/Web_App/Web_App.js:34021:44) at Object.ProcessEvent (http://localhost:8000/Web_App/Web_App.js:34045:12) at Object.DataEvent (http://localhost:8000/Web_App/Web_App.js:32534:52) at Object.SetState (http://localhost:8000/Web_App/Web_App.js:32989:14)
at http://localhost:8000/Web_App/Web_App.js [45609:113]
Your JSON contain several structures, this is how you should access the array (you can simplify this code of course using a single line, I have created several variables for better understanding:
JManager: TJSObject;
JTableList: TJSObject;
JRowList: TJSArray;
JFDBS := TJSObject(TJSObject(Response.Result)['FDBS']);
JManager := TJSObject(JFDBS['Manager']);
JTableList := TJSObject(JManager['TableList']);
JRowList := TJSArray(JTableLlist['RowList']);
Hi Wagner,
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'FDBS' of null | TypeError: Cannot read property 'FDBS' of null at OnResponse (http://localhost:8000/Web_App/Web_App.js:57008:62) at Object.DoLoad (http://localhost:8000/Web_App/Web_App.js:50388:11) at Object.DoLoad (http://localhost:8000/Web_App/Web_App.js:50662:20) at OnSuccess (http://localhost:8000/Web_App/Web_App.js:50778:19) at LocalSuccess (http://localhost:8000/Web_App/Web_App.js:50033:9) at XMLHttpRequest.XhrLoad (http://localhost:8000/Web_App/Web_App.js:50132:34)
at http://localhost:8000/Web_App/Web_App.js [57008:62]
I checked the function via swagger. May be the following message helps to understand what is happen:
First you need to make sure your server is returning correct data. Open your browser console and check the network tab to see what the server is returning when you are invoking the IData_xChangeService.Get_Abteilung method. This way we can focus either on client or server.