TWebClientDataSet/TWebClientConnection issues

I have a form that has the following in it.

oeQuoteDSe: TWebClientDataSet;
oeQuoteCC: TWebClientConnection;
oeAgentCC: TWebClientConnection;
oeAgentDSe: TWebClientDataSet;    
procedure oeQuoteCCBeforeConnect(Sender: TObject);
procedure oeAgentCCAfterConnect(Sender: TObject);
procedure oeAgentCCBeforeConnect(Sender: TObject);
procedure oeAgentCCDataReceived(Sender: TObject;
  ARequest: TJSXMLHttpRequestRecord; var AResponse: string);

...along with other things, but when I do an oeQuoteCC.Active:=True; the BeforeConnect event for it will fire and process and the dataset tied to it will populate as expected. However when I call oeAgentCC.Active:=True; the BeforeConnect and AfterConnecton never fire, but the DataReceived event will fire and the AResponse has the expected data. Due to this the dataset tied to the onAgentCC never get's loaded and it was due to the dataset tied to it not getting loaded that prompted me to setup a AfterConnnect event to activate the dataset, but since it never fires, not sure what to do.

Can I not have more then one TWebClientConnection/dataset per form?

You can have multiple TWebClientConnection / TWebClientDataSet components on the same form.
When you hookup the oeQuoteDSe to oeQuoteCC and oeAgentDSe to oeAgentCC, both should work independent of each other and when the connection components have a proper URL set, both should have the same behavior of performing the request and fill the dataset.

Any ideas on why it might not be working? As mentioned the DataReceived event fires on the second one and has the expected JSON data in the AResponse but the BeforeConnect and AfterConnect never happen, no errors in the console, nothing.

It is unclear what might be causing this. I sent a working sample via email. Please compare with this sample.