TTMSFNCToolBarButton problem with Delphi 12


I could't open in Athens the form, which works perfectly in Alexandria.
The message:

Error creating form in Main.fmx: List index out of bounds(4). TList<Fmx.controls.TControl> range 0..3

I found the problem after deleting every component one by one.
There are about 20 different TTMSFNCToolBarButtons on the form and only one of them caused this error.
The only difference was that the visibility of this button was set to
false. Delphi 11 could open it, Delphi 12 gave the error I mentioned.

The fmx fragment:

object ButtonSelejtezes: TTMSFNCToolBarButton
Color = claSpringgreen
Position.X = 376.000000000000000000
Position.Y = 216.000000000000000000
Size.Width = 360.000000000000000000
Size.Height = 48.000000000000000000
Size.PlatformDefault = False
TabOrder = 16
Visible = False
Font.Size = 20.000000000000000000
Font.Color = claAliceblue
Font.Name = 'Segoe UI'
Text = 'Stock'
Bitmaps = <>
LargeLayoutBitmaps = <>
DisabledBitmaps = <>
HoverBitmaps = <>
LargeLayoutDisabledBitmaps = <>
LargeLayoutHoverBitmaps = <>
Appearance.ShowInnerStroke = False
Appearance.Rounding = 8.000000000000000000
Appearance.Corners = [gcTopLeft, gcBottomRight]
Appearance.NormalFill.Kind = gfkSolid
Appearance.NormalFill.Color = claRed
Appearance.NormalFill.ColorTo = claCadetblue
Appearance.NormalFill.ColorMirror = claCadetblue
Appearance.NormalFill.ColorMirrorTo = claBlack
Appearance.HoverFill.Kind = gfkSolid
Appearance.HoverFill.Color = xFF1B1717
WordWrapping = True
ControlIndex = 0
When I deleted "Visible = False" line from main.fmx, Delphi 12 could immediately open it without error.
However sometimes when I set Visible:= False in Delphi 12 Object Inspector, the same error message pops up : List index out of bounds.


We are not able to reproduce this here with that single button. Please send us a sample project file or set Visible to False in the form constructor