TTMSFNCTableView Bitmap.LoadFromURL

Hi see the code below . If './images/'+DataSet.FieldByName('File_Img').AsString doesn't exists on folder "images" Bitmap.LoadFromURL give me error its ok ? how avoid this situation when scrolling records ?

    While Not DataSet.Eof Do Begin
      With Items.Add Do Begin

        If DataSet.FieldByName('File_Img').AsString <> '' Then



In another thread in the support center, I already answered about the options to check for validity of URLs on a HTTP(s) server.

can you give me the link please ?

I answered it to YOUR OWN question!

sorry but i need a solution to solve that !!
I think you must create a check on your component when image loading : do not crash application if image doesnt exists !!! is logical

The browser is the operating system. The browser determines image loading is asynchronous.
We cannot change the rules of the browser.