TTMSFNCSearchEdit.EmptyText lazarus

I noticed that EmptyText is not implemented in lazarus.

I slighlty modified unit LCLTMSFNCSearchEdit in order to implement EmptyText for Lazarus too.
I modified 
function TTMSFNCSearchEdit.GetEmptyText: string;
procedure TTMSFNCSearchEdit.SetEmptyText(const Value: string);

As follows:

function TTMSFNCSearchEdit.GetEmptyText: string;
  Result := FEdit.Edit.TextPrompt;
  Result := FEdit.Edit.TextHint;
  Result := FEdit.Edit.TextHint;

procedure TTMSFNCSearchEdit.SetEmptyText(const Value: string);
  FEdit.Edit.TextPrompt := Value;
  FEdit.Edit.TextHint := Value;
  FEdit.Edit.TextHint := Value;

Now EmptyText works for Lazarus too.


We have modified the source here, the next version will address this.

Additional info.

EmptyText does not work properly on lazarus.
Create a new project. Put a TTMSFNCSearchEdit on the form and set EmptyText to something.
Run the project, type 'a', 'Item A' appears in the list. Then press backspace, 'a' is cleaned and the EmptyText appears. Now if I click on the edit the emptytext is not cleared (I can edit it) and I cannot access anymore to the edit text.


The EmptyText issue has been fixed.
The issue with the defaulteditor has also been fixed.

Both issues will be available in the next release.
When the next release will be available?
Could it be possible to have an incremental source update?

Yes, please contact us directly via to obtain an incremental source update

Take it.

Event problem is solved, together with the possibility to set EmptyText.
Anyway there is still an issue, as reported before:

EmptyText does not work properly on lazarus.
Create a new project. Put a TTMSFNCSearchEdit on the form and set EmptyText to something (e.g. 'find something...').
Run the project, type 'a', 'Item A' appears in the list. Then press backspace, 'a' is cleaned and the EmptyText appears ('find something...'). Now if I click on the edit the emptytext is not cleared (I can edit 'find something...') and I cannot access anymore to the edit text.


Unfortunately the focus toggles between the list and the edit, and programmatic toggle of the focus gives a unwanted side effect of appearing TextHint. We haven't found a workaround for this issue yet. The same issue happens on VCL TEdit. We'll further investigate if we can find a workaround for this issue.