TTMSFNCRibbon, ShortCutHint and TEdit

OS: Debian 10 (buster) LXDE
fpc 3.3.1
lazaraus 2.1

component: TTMSFNCRibbon

Whether I can get the information that the alt has been pressed and that the character is expected to be pressed.

If the focus is on TEdit,
press Alt and ShortCutHint,
enrolls ShortCutHint in TEdit

Currently, the implementation simply calls the click event handler. The implementation is custom and can be overriden for each component via the ITMSFNCShortCutHint interface.

  ITMSFNCShortCutHint = interface
    function HasShortCut(AShortCut: string): Boolean;
    function HandleShortCut(AShortCut: string): Boolean;
    function GetShortCutHint: string;
    function IsShortCutHintActive: Boolean;
    procedure ShowShortCutHint;
    procedure CancelShortCutHint(AClearShortCutHintString: Boolean = True);
    procedure SetShortCutHint(const Value: string);
    property ShortCutHint: string read GetShortCutHint write SetShortCutHint;