TTMSFMXWebBrowser: Chromium / Win32: Compile Error


I want to you use TTMSFMXWebBrowser with Chromium for Win32 and did all preparing steps in "winsupport.txt".

But now I get a compile error: FMX.TMSWebBrowser.Win.pas(1370): E2010 Incompatible types: 'TCefCookieVisitorProc' und 'Procedure'.

- Delphi 10 Seattle
- TMS Pack for FireMonkey
- downloaded today

Any ideas?

Chromium support for the TTMSFMXWebBrowser is deprecated in XE8. The winsupport.txt should also mention that only XE7 or older is supported. Please use the TTMSFMXWebBrowser as-is as this is based on the default TWebBrowser.

Kind Regards, 
Scheldeman Pieter

Oh, I did not notice the end of Chromium support.

Thanks a lot!