TTMSFMXPopup disapear when focus an child edit


I try  to use TTMSFMXPopup with an TTMSFMXTableView and search box activated.

But when I focused search box, TTMSFMXPopup  disappear.

I read on this forum that is need to put ShowActivated to True.
But this property does not exists, probabily it was removed in newer versions.

How can I avoid this?

Best Regards,
Tiberiu Stoicescu

The ShowActivated property was removed with a complete redesign of the TTMSFMXPopup due to underlying FMX framework changes that broke functionality. Only a modal form works for setting focus on the search box. This is a technical underlying issue in FMX. a non modal form does not support focus on an edit as the focus never leaves the main form.


Is there an alternative for ComboBox with search capabilities?

You can take a look at the TTMSFNCComboBox (included in the TMS FNC UI Pack)