If I set AllowNumericNullValue and Text to '' when EditType is etNumeric all seems fine at design time however it appears these settings are ignored at runtime.

This makes the edit annoying for the user as it is counter intuative to leave a leading zero when entering an integer, 045 works but users are deleting the zero to enter 45.

I believe this is a bug, can you confirm please?

etNumeric edit type means the user can only enter numeric characters, i.e. no letters like A...Z

AllowNumericNullValue means that when the user leaves the edit control empty, it will be treated as a zero.
These settings do not control whether the user can enter a leading zero or not.

That is what I expected but that is not what happens, the edit is pre-populated with zero's, in the case of int '0' and real '0.00', when the cursor enters the edit these zeros do not disappear they have to be selected and deleted. The user does not enter a leading zero the edit does it.

If the edit text is preset with any value , be it 0 or another value, the 'text' or rather number won't disappear or be cleared when the control gets focus. This behavior is just like any other edit controls

I am not pre-setting the text! Please read the post, I do not wish to waste your time or mine on things like this. The editor sets the value "0" for integer type and "0.00" for a real, I do not enter any text into the control. How do I prevent this default action as I assumed setting AllowNumericNullValue and Text to ''  would accomplish this requirement?

With little exact/precise details , it is hard to try to understand what you are trying to explain.
Do you mean that you do have Text = empty at design time and see a 0 or 0.00 at runtime? If so, this problem will be fixed in the next update.

My very first post "If I set AllowNumericNullValue and Text to '' when EditType is etNumeric all seems fine at design time however it appears these settings are ignored at runtime." 

... How more exact would you like it to be? I look forward to the bug being fixed, thank you!