TTIWDBAdvWebGrid controller

There is the possibility TTIWDBAdvWebGrid controller matches the look similar to the link?

Making the TIWDBAdvWebGrid controller look exactly the same will unfortunately not be possible, but you can make it look pretty similar with the following settings:

  TIWDBAdvWebGrid1.Controller.Gradient1 := $FDF3EB;
  TIWDBAdvWebGrid1.Controller.Gradient2 := $FADEC9;
  TIWDBAdvWebGrid1.Controller.GradientDirection := gdVertical;
  TIWDBAdvWebGrid1.Controller.Height := 32;
  TIWDBAdvWebGrid1.Controller.Font.FontName := 'Arial';
  TIWDBAdvWebGrid1.Controller.Pager := cpPrevNextFirstLast;
  TIWDBAdvWebGrid1.Controller.PagerType := cptImage;
  TIWDBAdvWebGrid1.Controller.ImgPrevURL := '/files/prev.png';
  TIWDBAdvWebGrid1.Controller.ImgNextURL := '/files/next.png';
  TIWDBAdvWebGrid1.Controller.ImgFirstURL := '/files/first.png';
  TIWDBAdvWebGrid1.Controller.ImgLastURL := '/files/last.png';
  TIWDBAdvWebGrid1.Controller.Position := cpBottom;
  TIWDBAdvWebGrid1.Controller.IndicatorType := itRecordFromTo;
  TIWDBAdvWebGrid1.Controller.IndicatorFormat := 'Viewing Rows %d - %d of '
    + IntToStr(TIWDBAdvWebGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.RecordCount);

There is the possibility TTIWDBAdvWebGrid controller matches the look similar the of Forum ?

I have no idea what exact look you're referring to here. What forum? This support forum? What part in this support forum?

Yes, I am referring to this forum

I want to controller page same. Is it possible?

The combination of a page selector and page buttons is currently unfortunately not built-in in the TTIWDBAdvWebGrid controller