TRSAEncSign.EncType comply specification


Is TRSAEncSign.EncType exactly comply with RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding (PKCS#1)?

RSA complies with OAEP and PKCS 1.5 for encryption and PSS and PKCS 1.5 for signature


  1. Is RSA uses ECB encryption mode?
  2. Is PKCS 1.5 compatible with PKCS#1?

Looks like I didn't get this notification.
RSA doesn't use "ECB" per se, but OEAP and PKCS 1.5 for encryption. Both are included in TMS CP, PKCS 1.5 being the default type.
If your object is RSA, then RSA.encType := oaep will change the default value.

PKCS#1 is the standard that describes OAEP and PKCS version 1.5 (less secure than OAEP).

As a general recommandation, if you can avoid it, don't use RSA for encryption, at least for files or big chunks of data as it is much slower than the AES, for instance.