Trial version of TMSgridpack won't compile in XE8

I was curious how the Grid pack works, so I downloaded the trial version of the TMSgridpack. But I can't compile any of the examples. I always get this error:

[dcc32 Fatal Error] Unit1.pas(7): F2051 Unit AdvHintInfo was compiled with a different version of GDIPicture.TGDIPPicture

What other product do you have installed?

I suspect this is a conflict with another TMS product you have installed that uses also AdvHintInfo.
In that case, enable the packages alternatingly for evaluation as using two packages that have both the unit AdvHintInfo.* will cause this type of conflict due to the Delphi compiler strict binary compatibility checks.

I use the TMS Business Subscription with e.g. Aurelius and XData.
Does that mean I can't evaluate the Grid pack (and some other components for that case) if I have Aurelius active? 

I switched off Aurelius and all other non-Embarcadero packages. Still the same error.
I guess I won't be evaluating the grids then...

Can you do a full scan of your hard disk for the file AdvHintInfo.  and GDIPicture. and make sure there are not instances of these files outside the TMS Grid pack trial folder?

They both are only present in the TMS Grid pack trial folder.

I have especially retested this here with a TMS Grid Pack trial install for XE8 on a clean machine and this works without any issue. Do you have another machine where you can test this?

I managed to run it on the same machine in Delphi XE7, that doesn't have Aurelius installed. So I guess the problem lies in the fact that Aurelius runs in the same Delphi version.
It's no problem for now anymore, but what if we decide to purchase these components? Will they run in XE8 alongside with Aurelius and the other components in the Business Subscription?

Yes, they will. Actually Aurelius doesn't have any file related to TGDIPPicture, so maybe it was just a coincidence, and there was other things (besides Aurelius) influencing the compilation. Nevertheless, both TMS Grid Pack and Aurelius coexist without any problem in same Delphi version.