TMSWebOSMaps Error

Hi, we had some Trouble with WebOSMaps

First thing is that is it very slow, no update of the component done since Version So its may don't like by the component.

Second is at debuging for searching the reason top:
Function TWebOSMaps.ExecJScript in UWebOSMaps is fired the exception: exception of the class EOleException with the message 'Exception error occurred' occurred.

Does anyone knows some issues
Thanks a lot


Please note that the latest version of TMS VCL WebOSMaps was released on September 7.
Details can be found on the product page:

I'm not sure I understand your question correctly.
Can you please explain exactly what you are trying to do and what is going wrong?

So we implemented the WebOSMaps Long time ago (Version and did not updated.
We had a function that creates a lot of markers on the map (ca. 300000)

When it was implemeted it was fast, but now ist very slow without big changes of the program.
At debuging to search for the reason the debugger stoped at the function writing in the first post.

There haven't been any changes in TMS VCL WebOSMaps that would influence performance.
Problems with performance are in most cases related to adding a very high number of objects to the map, the OpenLayers API and/or the quality of the internet connection which we have no control over.

If a problem persists please provide the following information so I can further investigate this.
- The version of Delphi you are using
-  A ready to run sample project that demonstrates the issue

It's not a Problem of the component..

Thanks a lot for help