TMSJQUERY - Chrome V49

I'm using Delphi XE5, Intraweb XIV release51 and TMS components .  

I just update chrome browser to Version 49.

I have a web page that uses AdvWebGrid, AdvTreeView.  

The web page works fine in all browser include Chrome V47,  but does not work in Version 49.

The web page seems to stall trying to load TMSJQUERY.

Has this error been reported?


I have not been able to reproduce this issue.
Does the issue also occur on the "Demo AdvTreeView" page of the TMS IWFeaturesDemo?

Please note that IntraWeb 14.0.51 includes the jQuery library by default, can you try to set the TIWAdvTreeView.IncludeJQueryLibrary property to false?

If the problem persists, please provide a ready to run sample project that demonstrates the issue so I can further investigate this.

setting TIWAdvTreeView.IncludeJQueryLibrary := false,  solved the issue.

Thank you.