TMSFNCPlanner : vertical text in item


I'm using OnBeforeDrawItemText event to try to write text vertically when planner mode is vertical. But it doesn't work when I have an html anchor in the text.

I must use :
AGraphics.DrawText(aRect, aText, false, gtaCenter, gtaCenter, gttNone, 90, -1, -1, false, false);
to see the text but the html tags are also written and I don't want them.

Can you help me ?
Thank you for your answer

Use this code instead:

AGraphics.DrawText(aRect, aText, false, gtaCenter, gtaCenter, gttNone, 90);

It doesn't work when the text contains html tags

This is by design, only FMX can draw vertical HTML formatted text. It's a technical limitation in VCL

Happy to discover that :)
It would be good to write it somewhere in the doc.
Thank you for your anwser