TMSFNCGrid in WebCore

Hi All, this is a stupid question and I cannot find the answer ... Please help.

I have a TMSFNCGrid on a web page using WebCore. I have a TMSFNCGridDatabaseAdapter that fetches the data from an XData server. Pretty neat, fetches the data, displays it in the grid, I can edit the data and then save the changes. Works great ...

But I want to be able to get the data from a row (4 cells in the row), put them into another container to edit them, and then set them back into the row and store the data.

But for the live of me, I cannot find a way to GET the data. The only thing I can find is Cells[x,x] and that is SET only. How do I GET the data from a cell so I can put it into another container to edit?


The grid does not store the data from the dataset. So the Cells[x,x] property will not return data. This is all virtual and directly mapped on the dataset fields. So to get the data, you will need to manually access the data from the dataset, by using DataSet.Fields. Note that the active row is the active record in the dataset , so don't need to set any record pointers.

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Or you could link the DB aware controls (TWebDBEdit etc) to the fields via the datasource.

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Why didn't I think of this in the first place :smiley:

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Thank you all! :hugs:

This was so simple in the end. Just added a DB Aware control and all solved ...

Again, thank you.
