TMSFNCEdit AutoComplete doesn't work on Android


I think I found a bug: TMSFNCEdit AutoComplete doesn't work on Android.
I tried it on many devices: using the same project completes the text on Windows but it doesn't work on Android.
This is pretty important for me because the customer wants autocompletion in the Android app.

Thank you very much!

Unfortunately this is due to a bug in the FMX framework that doesn't allow us to capture the KeyDown/KeyUp event and process the pressed keys. TTMSFNCEdit is not fully supported on iOS & Android.

We reopen this issue from time to time and see if the issue is fixed, but unfortunately there is currently no way to fix this here in TTMSFNCEdit.


I wrote to Embarcadero support about this and they answered:

" The referenced Quality report is a documentation bug. The resolution of documentation bugs occurs when the documentation is updated or clarified. Although I am not sure why the report has not been resolved, any resolution is not going to affect how KeyDown/KeyUp events work under Android. The bug report itself indicates that these events should not trigger with soft keyboards, and this information is obtained directly from the Google documentation. The quoted documentation sections are within the Quality report for you to read."

Hello Peter,

Have you read my Embarcadero support quote which I sent you a year ago?
Also to clarify it: with the new TTMSFNCEdit the autocomplete does show in the list but the customer cannot click on the item in the list to choose it.

Thank you very much for your reply!

Unfortunately as long as parts of the TTMSFNCEdit are not working, it's unlikely that other depending features will work. As of today, it's still an issue, so we might have to rework the whole component.


Do you suggest another component which might work?

Thank you!


Can you suggest another component which might work?

Thank you!

Unfortunately there is currently no equivalent.