TMSFNCCloudDropBox1 crash on multiple upload on Android

I have a problem on Android, when i want to upload to Dropbox more then 30-40 files with the code below, the app crash...
Can you me help please?

for i := 0 to xUploadList.Count - 1 do
if TFile.Exists(xUploadList[i]) then
TMSFNCCloudDropBox1.Upload(nil, xUploadList[i]);

Waiting your answer,
Thank you!

Supposedly, this is because of a memory limitation. How large are the files? If you do a maximum of 10 or 20 does that make a difference?

The size of files are somewhere 1Mb to 14Mb

If i upload 10 to 20 file, all work ok...

I tried to upload only 10 at a time, but still, if I exceed a total of 35-40, it crash

Later edit:
I try to wrap around with

TMSFNCCloudDropBox1.Upload(nil, xUploadList[i]);

...and now i can upload about 75 file before crash

Maybe exist a way to refresh TMSFNCCloudDropBox1 between uploads?

I think I have identified the problem:
TMSFMXCloudDropBox1 has FileLimit 10000 (and some of my files has more then 10000)

There is a possibility to increase this FileLimit ?

Hi, we are currently working on an update that will support resumable uploads which support large files

Good news
Thank you!