TMSFMXWebBrowser - not work on frame (iOS)


Steps to reproduce (tested on iOS Simulator & iOS Device):

  1. Create new frame, put TMSFMXWebBrowser (Align = TAlignLayout.Client)
  2. In MainForm.OnCreate:
      fr := TFrame1.Create(nil);
      fr.Parent := Self;
      fr.Align := TAlignLayout.Client;
  3. Launch application - webbrowser not shown.
If i put this frame on Main form in designtime - all works fine. Standart TWebBrowser on the frame is always visible.
<span -align="0:18">What am I doing wrong?

Configuration: Delphi XE7 Upd1, TMS Pack for FMX, TMSFMXWebBrowser
Gentlemen, say something about this issue...
- can`t reproduce
- the architecture of the TMSWebBrowser does not allow its use on the frame (but standart TWebBrowser works?)
this is a bug, but it is too complicated, so the time frame is unknown
or anything else..
I still use TWebBrowser, but in xe7 it doesn't work on Windows platforms and contains bad code to load local files in iOS

The person responsible for this will look into this upon return from a vacation.


We have investigated this here and have applied a fix for this issue. The next version will address this.

Kind Regards, 