
Please add new property to provide read only access to the FAddedToVisibleList

TTMSFMXTreeViewVirtualNode = class
property nodeIsVisible: Boolean read FAddedToVisibleList; // added properrty

Need this to be able to determine the screen row to allow screen positioning for manual implementation of a popupmenu to control custom actions for individual nodes. The automatic popup does not provide sufficient control to position as required.

I have added this property and can now run a loop to determine the screen row for the right mouse clicked node and thus position the popup menu relevant to the node.

A nicer solution would be if the screen row, based on scanning up to the clicked node and counting only the visible nodes, could be provided instead. Can provide a sample project how this has been implemented upon request.

Thank you.

Please use the XYToNode functionality to retrieve a node at a specific coordinate. The return value is the virtual node record that provides access to the various rectangles calculated for text, bitmap, checkbox and expand/collapse icon.

procedure TForm1.TMSFMXTreeView1MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Single);
n: TTMSFMXTreeViewVirtualNode;
r: TRectF;
n := TMSFMXTreeView1.XYToNode(X, Y);
r := n.TextRects[0];

This feature will not be implemented.