TMSFMXTileList Images

I'm attempting to use a TMSFMXTileList in an iOS application and have a couple of questions :

Is it possible to remove the header/footer panels with the movement arrows?

I have created some images (BMPs and ICOs) with transparent parts. When I have added them to tiles the image show as transparent until it is pressed. Is there any way to make it appear as transparent whatever the state of the button?

Thanks for your help


You can remove the header/footer with the following code:

procedure TForm1148.TMSFMXTileList1ApplyStyleLookup(Sender: TObject);
  TMSFMXTileList1.GetHeader.Visible := False;
  TMSFMXTileList1.GetFooter.Visible := False;

It will be better to use PNG files instead with the transparency already included. 

Kind Regards, 

Thanks for the reply - this fixed my problems.

I do have one further question - is it possible to change the background colour (or add an image) to the tile container and is it possible to change the tile colours.

Thanks again

In a mobile application, the ability to style is missing, but you can drop it on a Windows application and edit the custom style. Then copy the stylebook and the component to your mobile project and assign the StyleBook to the form. Then you will be able to access the complete style, header and footer elements as well as the default tile appearance and background.

Kind Regards, 