TMSFMXNativeUIActivityIndicatorView not working

Delphi Tokyo 10.2.2
iOS64 app for iPhone7

Are there any examples of how to use the TMSFMXNativeUIActivityIndicatorView component. I use the startAnimating and stopAnimating methods with some code in the middle to retrieve some records from a remote server (using datasnap). The wait animation does not show but the records are retrieved successfully.


Have you added the TTMSFMXNativeUIActivityIndicatorView component directly on the form? Please note that this is a native component that needs to be placed on the main form. 

Yes, the component is on the main form. Basically, the code is:


ServWaitIndicator is the name given to the component.  Retrieving records can take about 5 to 10 seconds but indicator doesn't appear.



Do you retrieve records in a thread? Is the Retrieve_Records blocking the main GUI thread?

No, didn't know it had to be done in a thread. Shall try this and let you know if successful.  

Thanks. Retrieved record in a thread and that works.

