TMSFMXLiveGrid Exception on post the data

I am using the latest TMSGrid and  Delphi Tokyo 10.2.3

I have a FMX Form with a TMSFMXLiveGrid,  so the fields are connected with a TBindSourceDB, I setup the grid to focus the next cell on enter key press and on the last field to post the data.

So, When the last field fires the data post I have this issue  :

exception class    : ECannotSetProperty
exception message  : Cannot set value of property "ID_PLAQUETA". Either property name is invalid or subproperty is inaccessible.

main thread ($4c70):
010442d8 +00a8 Mobile.exe   Aurelius.Bind.Dataset         418   +7 TCustomAureliusDataset.SetPropValue
004ba556 +002a Mobile.exe   System.Generics.Collections  2143   +2 TListHelper.DoIndexOfFwd4
01040433 +009b Mobile.exe   Aurelius.Bind.BaseDataset    1393   +6 UpdateObjectFields
010404dc +0048 Mobile.exe   Aurelius.Bind.BaseDataset    1408   +7 TBaseAureliusDataset.InternalPost
00d08151 +0029 Mobile.exe   Data.DB                     14679   +5 TDataSet.CheckOperation
00d07c4c +0048 Mobile.exe   Data.DB                     14530   +7 TDataSet.Post
01380c6b +01c3 Mobile.exe   FMX.TMSLiveGrid              1024  +28 TTMSFMXLiveGrid.NotifyObserver
01381308 +0070 Mobile.exe   FMX.TMSLiveGrid              1112  +12 TTMSFMXLiveGrid.SelectCell
0134a481 +0be1 Mobile.exe   FMX.TMSCustomGrid            5732 +223 TTMSFMXCustomGrid.HideEdit
0133fc39 +0091 Mobile.exe   FMX.TMSCustomGrid            2089   +5 TTMSFMXCustomGrid.CellEditKeyDown
0137ed41 +0059 Mobile.exe   FMX.TMSLiveGrid               265   +9 TTMSFMXLiveGrid.CellEditKeyDown
0075686c +0020 Mobile.exe   FMX.Controls                 3904   +2 TControl.KeyDown
0132a1bb +027b Mobile.exe   FMX.TMSCustomEdit            2152  +43 TTMSFMXCustomEditEx.KeyDown
01330f1c +0414 Mobile.exe   FMX.TMSEdit                  1026  +83 TTMSFMXEdit.KeyDown
009c99ba +038a Mobile.exe   FMX.Forms                    3621  +94 TCommonCustomForm.KeyDown
00947689 +10d1 Mobile.exe   FMX.Platform.Win             2652 +381 WndProc

I found the error on the Dataset, I just fixed it and it is ok now.

Thanks for informing