TMSFMXGrid sorting issues

  1. SortData calls QuickSortRows with FIOffset.Y whereas SortIndexed calls QuickSortRowsIndexed with FixedRows.  

    I get the expected results of excluding the FixedRows in a sort of scNormal if I change SortData's call to use FixedRows.

    procedure TTMSFMXGridData.SortData(Column: integer; Direction: TSortDirection);

    QuickSortRows(FSortColumn, FIOOffset.Y, FRowCount - 2 - FixedFooterRows);
    QuickSortRows(FSortColumn, FFixedRows, FRowCount - 2 - FixedFooterRows);

    2) QuickSortRows moves the Objects to the pivot row but QuickSortRowsIndexed does not.  Shouldn't QuickSortrowsIndexed do the same?

      for k := 0 to ColumnCount - 1 do
        Cells[k, RowCount - 1] := Cells[k, m];
        Objects[k, RowCount - 1] := Objects[k, m]; // This line in QuickSortRows but not QuickSortRowsIndexed

You're correct about both issues. This corrections were applied now and will be in the next update.