Hello, my tms web server has stopped working. Any application I run, no servers are added and it doesn't work. If I manually insert a server, it still does not respond. What can I do to resolve it?
Please check with the TMSHttpConfig tool if http://+:8000/ is reserved
Thank you for the support. I've checked it. No 8000 in the list. Should i insert "http://+:8000/" in the list?
I added the entry in the tmsconfig and the endpoint in the tms web server manually. Still, it doesn't work.
Can you please try to open in your browser the address http://localhost:8000/Project11/Project11.html/Project11.html and let us know what happens?
Also, please inform the full content of the "Root Dir" column - there should be a directory path there.
Also please provide a print of such directory in Windows Explorer so we can see what files are there.
Can you please try to open in your browser the address http://localhost:8000/Project11/Project11.html/Project11.html and let us know what happens?
Also, please inform the full content of the "Root Dir" column - there should be a directory path there.
Also please provide a print of such directory in Windows Explorer so we can see what files are there.
Sorted out. I did a complete uninstall of the webcore and installed everything again. Started working again.
Thank you for the support.