TMS WEB Core v

Bruno before update with old version 1.2 all gone fine now error ! before install new vers yesterday (6/12) i've unistalled old version and deleted folder too in delphi Rio .

Are you using the demo that comes with TMS XData itself?


I know how you can you reproduce problem, try this:

1) Create new WEB Project
2) add TWebEdit on the form
3) Build ad open application in Chrome
4) press key F12
5) From devices at the top choose Galaxy F5
6) Click on TWebEdit and clear signs using backspace.

your code thinking that this is android but i'm still in windows :) and it coused problem,


Sorry in point 5 of course Galaxy S5 not Galaxy F5

We applied an improvement to handle this specific case.

Hello Bruno,

we have the same error when starting the WebApplication in the browser.

Field needs a name | fMessage::Field needs a name fHelpContext::0

Do you please have more detail?
I have no idea what components you use, what your application does, what code is used, ...?

We have the same error when starting the WebApplication in the browser.

Field needs a name | fMessage::Field needs a name fHelpContext::0
at http://localhost:8000/OrderPortalClient/OrderPortalClient.js [304:11]

We use XData, FNCGrid, JWT tokens. Main module is generated and within the routine a Loginform is generated and displayed. Setting a stop does not work because the browser immediately responds with the error.

The error is reproducible with a new project. The problem lies in the data module. If there is no additional WebForm in the project source text, and the OnCreate routine of the data module is used, the error appears. Enclosed the project source text and the source code for the OnCreate in the data module.

program Project2;

  Unit1 in 'Unit1.pas' {Form1: TWebForm} {*.html},
  Unit3 in 'Unit3.pas' {DataModule1: TWebDataModule};

{$R *.res}

  Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True;
//  Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1);
  Application.CreateForm(TDataModule1, DataModule1);

Datamodul Source:

procedure TDataModule1.WebDataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
 var s: String;

Unknown property: "OnCreate" | fMessage::Unknown property: "OnCreate" fHelpContext::0
at http://localhost:8000/Project2/Project2.js [304:11]

Thanks for informing. This helped to trace & fix this issue.
We will release an update this week to address this.