TMS VCL Chart conflict with Soap.EncdDecd


I have an application using the TMS VCL Chart explicitly TAdvChartViewGDIP and TAdvChartTypeSelector in Delphi XE5. But now I am always receiving an access violation when trying to open the form with this components. The components are also not to find in the tool menu. When trying to install the package directly via the AdvChartDEDXE5.bpl I receive the error message "Package 'advchartdxe5' can not be installed. The unit 'Soap.EncdDecd' is included which is also in the package 'soaprtl190' included". Is there a possibility to use this package anyway?

Thanks in advance.


There is an automatic installer available. If you have used the installer, the components should automatically be installed. If this is not the case, please check the installer log file generated under "My Documents".


the installation itself works properly and completes successfully. Nevertheless because of this conflict with soaprtl190 (unit Soap.EncdDecd) which appears directly in Delphi XE5 it is not possible to use the components. In the log file in "my documents" it only shows that the build for xe5 also for 10.3 and 10.4 was successful. But there is a warning where it says "The unit 'Soap.EncdDecd' was implicitly imported in the package 'advchartdxe5'". I have tried to install the package in Delphi 10.3 and 10.4 directy in the IDE and everything works fine. The components are shown in the tool menu. Any idea?



Can you add soaprtl to the package and recompile it?


unfortunately nothing changed. The error still occurs.


We'll investigate this here. Is it a warning or an error? It's really unclear why this error occurs, but we can only think of soaprtl being a missing dependency. Can you add it to the package as a dependency, and also add it to the scopes in the package options? We'll further investigate this here as soon as possible.