TMS (TAdvGridExcelIO) not work autocalculate sum()

After export data from TAdvGridExcelIO to TAdvGridWorkBookceased to calculate AutoSum in cells

But after save to file TAdvGridExcelIO i see autosum - all is well. TAdvGridWorkBook - do not want to show my formula. Instead of the value I see "0" . Maybe need to send the message for component, for recalculate?
  1. TAdvStringGrid or TAdvGridWorkbook will not calculate formulas in XLS files
    2) When you set AdvGridExcelIO.Options.ImportFormulas =true, it will import the formula, otherwise it will import the formula result value.

    Please make sure you use the desired setting for AdvGridExcelIO.Options.ImportFormulas
I checked properties  ImportFormulas it does not affect. I see my calculate cell but only my test project. But When moving to a big project calculate not work(( in cell i see "0"

For Example:

Formula = SUM(D9:D11;D15:D25)

procedure TForm1.btn1Click(Sender: TObject);
  FExcelIO: TAdvGridExcelIO;
  FExcelIO := TAdvGridExcelIO.Create(nil);
//  FExcelIO.Options.ImportCellProperties := True;
  FExcelIO.Options.ExportHiddenColumns  := True;
  FExcelIO.Options.ExportRawRTF         := True;
  FExcelIO.Options.ImportFormulas       := false; // true

  FExcelIO.AdvGridWorkbook := advgrdwrkbk1;
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and further: Аfter save data in file autacalculate work in my big project

procedure TAdvSpreadBook.SaveToFile(const aFileName: string);
  i: Integer;
  for I := 0 to FExcelIO.SheetNamesCount -1 do
   FExcelIO.AdvStringGrid := GetGrids(I);
   FExcelIO.XLSExport(aFileName, FExcelIO.SheetNames);

i understand i see formula becouse i save from FExcelIO

Ok how methotd i most rewrite for work autosum in my projects?

I'm not sure I understand your question.
You want to calculate the sum in your Delphi grid or you want to export a sum function to your XLS sheet.

i have xls file with formula SUM(D9:D11;D15:D25)

Formula = SUM(D9:D11;D15:D25)

procedure TForm1.btn1Click(Sender: TObject);
  FExcelIO: TAdvGridExcelIO;
  FExcelIO := TAdvGridExcelIO.Create(nil);
//  FExcelIO.Options.ImportCellProperties := True;
  FExcelIO.Options.ExportHiddenColumns  := True;
  FExcelIO.Options.ExportRawRTF         := True;
  FExcelIO.Options.ImportFormulas       := false; // true

  FExcelIO.AdvGridWorkbook := advgrdwrkbk1;

this code work, but wnen i dragged to my project autosum not calculate in grid

understood i call recalc for all grid. All is work