TMS Subscription Manager

Is there a specific code and version of TMS Subscription Manager for TMS ALL Access I need to use?

The one I have currently only shows my VCL Subscription components even with the new password



There are different Passwords on the MyProduct-WebPage for the different "Product-Groups".

Subscription-Manager is always the same.

Did you try ?

yes i tried the new password but still shows just the vcl components

I will try again .. maybe i missed something



It is not only one password.

It is an extra Password for VCL-Component-Studio, FireMonkey-Studio, Business-Subscrption.
Each Password is shown somewhere on the MyProducts-Page, if you scroll down to them...


Yes I think I understand how it works now !

a different password for each subscription type etc.   :)

thank you

It's this way for now but we plan to make this more convenient in the near future with single code access.