TMS IP address solutions?

I need the following Internet features:

  1. Resolve an IP address to its host name (if possible)

  2. Locate an IP address to its originating location on a map

Does TMS have solutions for these tasks?

With TMS FNC Cloud Pack you can request (geographic) info based on a given IP address:

With TMS FNC Maps you can display a specific location on a map:

Both products have fully functional trial versions (including multiple demo applications) available for download from the links above.

Bart, I am a TMS ALL ACCESS user. My question was more specific:

Which components allow me to carry out the following tasks:

  1. Resolve an IP address to its host name (if possible)

  2. Locate an IP address to its originating location on a map

Can you please respond with a specific answer?

Does TMS have a functionality to retrieve geolocation data from an IP address?

Hi Peter,

The TTMSFNCCloudIPLocalization component from TMS FNC Cloud Pack can retrieve geolocation data based on a given IP address.
Detailed info is available in the doc: TTMSFNCCloudIPLocalization - TMS FNC Cloud Pack

Displaying specific locations on a map is possible with the TTMSFNCMaps component. Detailed info is available in the doc: TTMSFNCMaps - TMS FNC Maps