TMS Intraweb with Intraweb 12.2.3

Have any one tried to use  TMS Intraweb pack with new Intraweb version 12.2.3?

Sorry, we haven't tested yet that particular version, we've tested in a prior 12.2 release.
Do you experience problems with this? We hadn't seen issues in a prior 12.2 release here.

I have just installed Intraweb 12.2.4 and now get the following messages when I start Delphi XE2

The procedure entry point
could not be located in dynamic link library_120_160.bpl

and then

Can't load package C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\9.0\BPL\iw12tmsgriddxe2.bpl. The
specified procedure could not be found.

Bill Zwirs

See error 5 and 7 at page:

All was working fine before installation of 12.2.4.....this error only started AFTER I changed from Intraweb 12.1.26 to 12.2.4.  Have uninstalled 12.2.4 and re-installed 12.1.26 and all works good again.  As no changes were made to the TMS Intraweb installation I assume there is a problem between the latest version of Intraweb (12.2.4) and the TMS Intraweb components.

Bill Zwirs

When you install IntraWeb 12.2.4, you FIRST need to uninstall TMS IntraWeb Component Pack Pro and then after IntraWeb 12.2.4 is installed, you need to install 
TMS IntraWeb Component Pack Pro as the packages need to be compiled against the actual version of IntraWeb you're using.

Ok, understand what you are saying.  Didn't realize you also had to uninstall/reinstall the TMS component.

Thanks for that. 
Bill Zwirs