Hey Wagner,
so i tried your code but get an access violation evertyime i call TEchoRemoteEngine but get the error "EntityDoesNotExists".
I checked the Echo_Load_Error table an noticed, that the coloum "Resolved_Entity" is empty in every row.
I'm catching exceptions via the folowing code
procedure TMainForm.ApplicationEvents1Exception(Sender: TObject; E: Exception);
Filename: string;
LogFile: TextFile;
// prepares log file
Filename := ChangeFileExt (Application.Exename, '.log');
AssignFile (LogFile, Filename);
if FileExists (FileName) then
Append (LogFile) // open existing file
Rewrite (LogFile); // create a new one
// write to the file and show error
Writeln (LogFile, DateTimeToStr (Now) + ':' + E.Message);
// Application.ShowException (E);
// close the file
CloseFile (LogFile);
and here i get the entities listed.
Echo Error Log Example.txt (3.8 KB)
When i call the tms/echo/EchoLoadError in my browser i get the following output
"$id": 58,
"@xdata.type": "XData.Default.EchoLoadError",
"Id": 58,
"ErrorCode": "EMSSQLNativeException",
"ErrorMessage": "[FireDAC][Phys][ODBC][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]Operation canceled",
"Status": "Solved",
"ResolvedEntity": "",
"PingBackMode": "Off"
"$id": 59,
"@xdata.type": "XData.Default.EchoLoadError",
"Id": 59,
"ErrorCode": "EMSSQLNativeException",
"ErrorMessage": "[FireDAC][Phys][ODBC][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]Operation canceled",
"Status": "Solved",
"ResolvedEntity": "",
"PingBackMode": "Off"
"$id": 60,
"@xdata.type": "XData.Default.EchoLoadError",
"Id": 60,
"ErrorCode": "EMSSQLNativeException",
"ErrorMessage": "[FireDAC][Phys][ODBC][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]Operation canceled",
"Status": "Solved",
"ResolvedEntity": "",
"PingBackMode": "Off"
I'm a little bit confused with the status "solved" and what i can do to resolve this without the entity beeing saved into the database.