TMS and XE4

Has anyone tried to install the TMS components in XE4 yet? Are there any problems.

I tried to install Component Pack Pro Scrpt Edition and got various errors including undeclared identifier 'TRec' in IWTMSBase.pas.

Our components do at this time not yet support XE4.
As with every new Delphi release, our team is working very hard to make our huge set of components ready for XE4 one by one. We will try to have all our components XE4 ready in the first half of May.

Just want to say that I have the FIreMonkey Pack and I will be watching for the upgrade...  :)

Hi Bruno,

Just checking to see whether the components are XE4 compliant yet?


The progress of our team adding Delphi XE4 &
C++Builder XE4 support to our full range of products can be tracked via: