TMarkers.Add() do not use parameter Zindex

There are two overloaded procedures to add markers to a map that to not use the parameter Zindex and instead always set it to 0:

function TMarkers.Add(Latitude, Longitude: Double; Title, Icon: string;
  Draggable, Visible, Clickable, Flat: Boolean; Animation: TMarkerAnimation; zIndex,
  IconWidth, IconHeight: Integer; IconZoomWidth: Integer = -1; IconZoomHeight: Integer = -1): TMarker;
  Result := Add(Latitude, Longitude, Title, Icon, Draggable, Visible, Clickable, Flat, Animation, 0, icDefault, IconWidth, IconHeight, IconZoomWidth, IconZoomHeight);

function TMarkers.Add(Latitude, Longitude: Double; Title, Icon: string;
  Draggable, Visible, Clickable, Flat: Boolean; Animation: TMarkerAnimation; Zindex: Integer): TMarker;
  Result := Add(Latitude, Longitude, Title, Icon, Draggable, Visible, Clickable, Flat, Animation, 0, icDefault, -1, -1);

Ignore the changed parameter "Animation: TMarkerAnimation", in your last official release it's InitialDropAnimation: Boolean, I've changed that in my version.


Thank you for notifying.
This issue has now been fixed and the update will be available with the next release.