

I've just upgraded to Intraweb XII from Intraweb 10 and the TIWPopupMenuButton is auto sizing depending on the caption instead of using the design time width and height properties.

Is there a way that I can force the button to use the design time width and height?



There was actually an issue in the TIWPopupMenuButton that prevented the width and height values to be applied correctly.
This has now been fixed.
The update will be available with the next release of the TMS IntraWeb Component Pack.


Thanks for the quick reply, how long will it be before the next release is available?

Is it possible to send me just the file that has altered as this is a fairly urgent issue.


There's currently no fixed ETA available for the next release of the TMS IntraWeb Component Pack.

We can provide an incremental source update by sending an email to mailto:info@tmssoftware.com with your request.