XE4 IW14. Component Pack Pro Script Edition just installed (upgraded) however none of the print or preview dialogs are available. To tell you the truth I never looked for them before but now I have the need to print the contents of a DBgrid.
The package component list says they should be there. The bpl's were built and installed as before and without issue.
I was looking to be able to print a TIWDBAdvWebGrid, but after jumping all over your website it looks like the only grid print function (advpreviewdialog in TAdvPreviewDialog) only works with the AdvStringGrid. And it appears AdvStringGrid is not a part of the IWComponentPack, but rather a part of a different grid package.
Where did I get the idea it was included in the IWComponent Pack?? From http://www.tmssoftware.com/site/tmspcklist.asp (TMS Grid Controls) where I ended up after clicking around on the IntraWeb Components page trying to get a full list of the "Over 70 components" that were included in my IW Components package.
Now...understanding your confusion as I hope you understand mine... Is there anyway to print the contents of a TIWDBAdvWebGrid? If so, I'll gladly pay for whatever TMS additional options are needed to make that happen.
For web applications, the browser is responsible for printing.
The alternative is that you would generate a report file and let this download (and print) by the user.
You could use a reporting tool for this and you could also use our component TTIWAdvGridExcelIO that can export the grid to XLS file and have this file downloaded and then printed by the user.
I am actually looking at doing something like that... making the xls, converting it to pdf and then opening the pdf where it can be saved, printed, etc. by the user.