Title in Markers.Add

In Google Maps via COM (Component Object Model)

it was possible to write 
Title := 'Title'+CRLF+' Test';

This means a two or more lines output for every Marker using Markers.Add etc..

Could you please implement this in VCL WebGMaps?

Sincerely Peter

Did you try to set

Title := 'Title'+'<BR>'+' Test';


Thank you for this suggestion. I will try.



I tried, but it does not work:

      Title := 'MyTitle';
      Test := 'MyTest';
      Title := '<B>'+Title+'<BR />'+Test+'<B /><BR />';

If I hover over a marker the title is shown exactly as is above, without showing the text in two lines.
What am I doing wrong?

Sincerely Peter

The text exactly shown on hovering is:

'<B>MyTitle<BR />MyTest<B /><BR />'



The correct way to add a line break in a Marker's tooltip is:

Title := 'Title'+'\n'+' Test';


Now it works thanks to you!

Sincerely Peter