TInspectorbar what is causing the icon wobble?

Hi all,

This is my first post here.
Ive recently used the TInspectorbar component as main menu in my application.

There is a nice 'wobble' effect in hovering over the icons
But this effect only occurs after I've clicked on an Icon (after the onitemclicked event has been fired)
but I like to have this effect all the time.

I've not been able to find out what properties are effecting this.

I hope somebody can help.

Pictures are attached below

link to images to show:


I could not reproduce this issue with the InspectorBar demo. 
What's different in your app from our demo?

In the TInspectorbar sample/demo

the TIcon is filled with an image.
I use the Imageindex to a TImageList.
That is the only difference I can see.

See settings:

We traced & solved this issue. The next update will address this.