TFetchMode.Eager not working as a CreateAlias parameter


I need to force an Eager fetching, as I need to use some fields in OrderBy, and the related tables are not automatically joined in the same SELECT.

This doesn't work (original code, without trying to force Eager fetching).

      .CreateAlias('TurmaPeriodo', 'tper')
      .CreateAlias('tper.Turma', 'turm')

And this neither works:

      .CreateAlias('TurmaPeriodo', 'tper', TFetchMode.Eager)
      .CreateAlias('tper.Turma', 'turm', TFetchMode.Eager)

This works:

      .CreateAlias('TurmaPeriodo', 'tper')
      .CreateAlias('tper.Turma', 'turm')

Why it doesn't work with CreateAlias/TFetchMode ?
Is this situation the same you mentioned in this 2015 post? :point_down:

If so, I believe it should be added to the documentation.
There's no mention that in some situations it would not work as expected:

Queries | TMS Aurelius documentation
Alternatively, you can also pass TFetchMode.Eager as the third parameter of CreateAlias or second parameter of SubCriteria method:

Results := Manager.Find<TEstimate>
  .CreateAlias('Customer', 'ct', TFetchMode.Eager)

With either of the queries above, even if TEstimate.Customer association is set as lazy-loading, Aurelius will create a single SQL with a JOIN between estimates and customers and retrieve all customers at once. This gives you an extra degree of flexibility when it comes to optimize your application.


By "work" I assume the SQL is wrong? Can you provide the generated SQL? The code above should generate a single SQL statement, if the associations are single-valued.

Are you able to create a small project reproducing the issue with the involved entity classes?

This association is not a 1-1, it's 1-N.
TTurma 1 - N TTurmaPeriodo & TTurmaPeriodo 1 - N TheQueryMainEntity.

By "work" (or not) I mean that the "OrderBy" will succeed or not.

When using .FetchEager('TurmaPeriodo.Turma') it generates a single SELECT, so there's no problem with the OrderBy.

When using CreateAlias w/ TFetchMode.Eager it doesn't generate a single SELECT, so the OrderBy fails.

My point was just that the documentation presents .FetchEager & [.CreateAlias w/ TFetchMode.Eager parameter] as 2 alternatives for getting the same result, what seems not to be true. There's no mention that 1-N relationships would not generate a single SELECT when using the .CreateAlias alternative.

What happens if you do



No need to use both. With just .FetchEager('TurmaPeriodo.Turma') it works fine, and generates a single SELECT.

The CreateAlias alternative is the one that doesn't work.

That is really strange. Is it possible to send a small project reproducing the issue? Doesn't need to connect to database, just show the SQL generated.

I tried to make a small SQLite-based project, but could not replicate the same situation. Although I used TAssociationProp.Lazy, it always generated a single SELECT, even without forcing eager fetching mode. Maybe an SQLite driver specific behavior, or something related to the type of primary keys used. Anyway, I could not investigate further.

Back to the main project ...
When using

     .CreateAlias('TurmaPeriodo', 'tper', TFetchMode.Eager)
      .CreateAlias('tper.Turma', 'turm', TFetchMode.Eager)

it raises:


and no new SQL in log.

When using FetchEager, it generates this SQL:

SELECT A.id_MatriculaTurma AS A_id_MatriculaTurma, A.id_matricula AS A_id_matricula, A.id_TurmaPeriodo AS A_id_TurmaPeriodo, F.id_TurmaPeriodo AS F_id_TurmaPeriodo, F.Capacidade AS F_Capacidade, F.CapacidadeVirtual AS F_CapacidadeVirtual, F.id_turma AS F_id_turma, G.id_turma AS G_id_turma, G.Sigla AS G_Sigla, G.Descricao AS G_Descricao, G.DescricaoCurta AS G_DescricaoCurta, G.Tipo AS G_Tipo, G.Capacidade AS G_Capacidade, G.CapacidadeVirtual AS G_CapacidadeVirtual, G.Ordem AS G_Ordem, G.id_grau AS G_id_grau, G.id_unidade AS G_id_unidade, G.id_turno AS G_id_turno, F.id_Periodo AS F_id_Periodo, A.id_turmamodalidade AS A_id_turmamodalidade, A.id_creditooperacaomatricula AS A_id_creditooperacaomatricula
FROM aca_matriculasturmas A
  LEFT JOIN (aca_matriculas B
  LEFT JOIN (aca_alunos C
  LEFT JOIN (ger_pessoasfisicas D
  INNER JOIN ger_pessoas E ON (E.id_pessoa = D.id_pessoa)) ON (D.id_pessoa = C.id_pessoa)) ON (C.id_aluno = B.id_aluno)) ON (B.id_matricula = A.id_matricula)
  LEFT JOIN (aca_periodosturmas F
  LEFT JOIN aca_turmas G ON (G.id_turma = F.id_turma)
  LEFT JOIN aca_periodos H ON (H.id_Periodo = F.id_Periodo)) ON (F.id_TurmaPeriodo = A.id_TurmaPeriodo)
WHERE  H.id_Periodo = :p_0 AND 
F.id_TurmaPeriodo = :p_1
ORDER BY  G.Descricao Asc
p_0 = "{39FBC222-FA4D-4B4C-8315-88974610B1D7}" (ftString)
p_1 = "{39FBF873-7901-4A80-9DDF-07A82741C9E6}" (ftString)

Note that it generates the JOINs I need for the OrderBy:

LEFT JOIN (aca_periodosturmas F
LEFT JOIN aca_turmas G ON (G.id_turma = F.id_turma)

Without FetchEager (and without the OrderBy), it generates what I believe is normal for Lazy fetching mode:

SELECT A.id_MatriculaTurma AS A_id_MatriculaTurma, A.id_matricula AS A_id_matricula, A.id_TurmaPeriodo AS A_id_TurmaPeriodo, A.id_turmamodalidade AS A_id_turmamodalidade, A.id_creditooperacaomatricula AS A_id_creditooperacaomatricula
FROM aca_matriculasturmas A
  LEFT JOIN (aca_periodosturmas B
  LEFT JOIN aca_periodos C ON (C.id_Periodo = B.id_Periodo)) ON (B.id_TurmaPeriodo = A.id_TurmaPeriodo)
WHERE  C.id_Periodo = :p_0 AND 
B.id_TurmaPeriodo = :p_1
p_0 = "{39FBC222-FA4D-4B4C-8315-88974610B1D7}" (ftString)
p_1 = "{39FBF873-7901-4A80-9DDF-07A82741C9E6}" (ftString)

SELECT A.id_TurmaPeriodo AS A_id_TurmaPeriodo, A.Capacidade AS A_Capacidade, A.CapacidadeVirtual AS A_CapacidadeVirtual, A.id_turma AS A_id_turma, A.id_Periodo AS A_id_Periodo
FROM aca_periodosturmas A
WHERE  A.id_TurmaPeriodo = :p_0
p_0 = "{39FBF873-7901-4A80-9DDF-07A82741C9E6}" (ftString)

SELECT A.id_turma AS A_id_turma, A.Sigla AS A_Sigla, A.Descricao AS A_Descricao, A.DescricaoCurta AS A_DescricaoCurta, A.Tipo AS A_Tipo, A.Capacidade AS A_Capacidade, A.CapacidadeVirtual AS A_CapacidadeVirtual, A.Ordem AS A_Ordem, A.id_grau AS A_id_grau, A.id_unidade AS A_id_unidade, A.id_turno AS A_id_turno
FROM aca_turmas A
WHERE  A.id_turma = :p_0
p_0 = "{39FBEF7A-F5E3-4628-B4A6-7B657F079BBB}" (ftString)

Works fine with .FetchEager, but not with CreateAlias/FetchMode.Eager.
Maybe it's because there's not a ManyValuedAssociation/TList of the entity for "aca_matriculasturmas" mapped in the entity class for "aca_periodosturmas" ?!? .

It's very hard for us to guess what's going on, specially because this seems to no be working in a very specific case - it works in our tests and it works in your sample project.
I'm afraid we really need the sample project reproducing the issue.