TDreamFacotryClientDataset not sure how to connect

Hi i have created a db service at the dreamfactory
but when i tried to use the TMS Webcore to connect , i cannot, not sure
what steps i missed , appreciate any assistance.


  1. Apikey : the API key generated for the Apps,
  2. DbServiceName : pg_payroll ( pointed to the DreamFactory Apps )
  3. TableName : employee

    and i do notice that the emp_no is not selected ...
  4. KeyFieldName : emp_no
  5. DreamFactoryURL, HTTP://

i have filled in above, the DreamFactoryURL , and
the URL pointed to the Dreamfactory root ,

but i still getting ,the following error,

not sure what is missing , please assist. Thanks.

I see you have the Employee table but I cannot see details that you effectively have the emp_no field?
Did you initialize or add the persistent fields in the TWebDreamFactoryClientDataSet?

HI Bruno,

I not sure whether I am doing it correctly, so i use my Delphi IDE to test it out too,

and things that i wasn't sure are ,

  1. do i need to fill in the Connection property ? (the answer is NO )

    • what i was trying to do is to right click on the webDreamFactoryCds component
      Fetch Fields, but i got the error shown. so can i do it this way
      to pull the fields ? ( so i suppose I can't do like the "Delphi" normal way but nevertheless still is already pretty helpful.)
  2. I have to create the fields manually. before it get executed/F9.
    once it is executed with the persistence fields i created
    at the WebDreamFactoryCDS , i.e. emp_no , emp_name,
    they will show up after compile. As shown...


that is on my Delphi, now will need to go back to test the VSCode.
Lets hope I will get the same result and will update it back here.

(i put the details here is to hope that can help others too)
Thanks for your pointer Bruno, your are the best,