TDBAdvGrid shows (MEMO) for TMemoField Columns - it doesn't fetch for it's DisplayText

TDBAdvGrid (VCL UI Pack is not firing the TMemoField OnGetText event for DisplayText = True.
It always shows " (MEMO) " .

procedure TForm1.adsMyMemoFieldGetText(Sender: TField; var Text: string;
  DisplayText: Boolean);
  Text := adsMyMemoField.AsString;

It's firing this event with DisplayText = False when I edit the field. Finished editting, it shows back (MEMO).

Using the same datasets with a classic DBGrid fires the event, and shows whatever I set to Text Parameter.
I tested with AureliusDataset / FDTable x DBAdvGrid / DBGrid.. DBGrid works well with both datasets.

Did you try to set DBAdvGrid.ShowMemoFields = true?

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