tCurvyPanel Caption

Is there any way of adding a caption to a tCurvyPanel? If not, could this feature be added, please.

At this moment there is not a built-in option.
As a workaround, you can add a label on this panel.
We've added this on the feature request list.

Thanks, Bruno. I am trying to make a clickable label with a rounded border and have created a small tCurvyPanel interposer class on the form to add the functionality as a temporary work around. The code is a bit neater than the added label option, but with the interposer I obviously can't use the form designer to set up the components. Can you also expose the OnClick event.

We will expose this in the next TMS VCL UI Pack update.

The added Caption is good. Can the PopupMenu and WordWrap also be added?

Both added and scheduled for next release.

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I have just tested the new Caption, Bruno. On my system the caption text background does not pick up the colour of the panel. If you add this before DrawText it all works fine:
Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;

David. I am doing the PopUpMenu with the panel using this in the OnClick event:
var Pt := Point(Panel.Width,0);
Pt := Panel.ClientToScreen(Pt);


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The PopupMenu is not hard to work around, but I thought I'd throw that in while I asked about WordWrap.

Thanks Bruno. I will be able to simplify my button panel by not having to add and manage a TLabel on each.